Tuesday, September 22, 2009

cheese toast, my enemy

I still have indigestion from the cheese toast I ate this morning at 8:00. Quite frankly, I do not like it one bit.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

an off Saturday that really wasn't so off

Today was mine and WP's first Saturday off in a few weeks together. Unfortunately (and somewhat fortunately, I guess) we spent our whole day on the road and in a first time homebuyers class that is necessary to take in order for us to use the type loan we're using. We left our house at 6:30 this morning and arrived at our class over 30 minutes late in Bay St. Louis because we weren't certain where the building was. The class ended at 1:15 and we got home around 4, I think. We were both so tired we fell asleep watching football...then Archer got home. ;o) No more nice Saturday napping! Anyway, the good side of all that is that we got our certificate necessary to go ahead with our loan process. YAY! The loan application will be sent to the mortgage company Tuesday. Fingers crossed and prayers sent up...we may soon be homeowners!

Monday, September 14, 2009


I have seriously teared up 2 times today, and actually cried once. Archer said, "Mommy, does it hurt? Are you sad?" I just had to sit there and let him hug my neck while I gathered myself. I am emotional, sensitive, and overwhelmed. Today is the day that we are to sign the agreement on the house. I am so lost and unaware of everything. I try to be on top of all this information and in control. But I am out of control. This seller is in control. We want this house so bad. I am not scared of the monthly payment for all the years to come. I am scared of the process. My realtor talked "down" to me earlier and hurt my feelings. I am a very inquisitive person and have been my entire life. I asked a few questions and she called me hesistant and threatened to show the house to someone else. Why be rude? She knows I am scared and worried and completely overwhelmed. It's so unfortunate that she's the realtor and the owner of the home because it's buyer vs. seller in every conversation we have. I would rather post a question to my realtor who then can deal with the seller or seller's realtor.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

ball of nerves

Me. I am a ball of nerves at this very moment. WP and I have decided to move onto the next step in our lives and attempt to buy a house. We are property virgins (aside from our vehicles and the trailer). He went to the bank last week and got the paperwork for a mortgage loan. We found a house in town (Waynesboro) that was 3 bedroom, 2 bath, very nice, pool, fenced yard, the whole nine yards. They were asking 30k more than what we wanted to spend. Mind you, we aren't sure how much we're approved for. We are just looking at our income and guessing. I'm sure there's a better way of approaching this house hunting situation. Anyway, a coworker of his who had a contract drawn up on a house in Clara (where we currently reside). WP and the coworker began talking and WP informed the fellow that we liked the house in Clara. His coworker said he really didn't want to live in Clara, but would rather live in town. That conversation happened yesterday. I got an email from the real estate agent this AM saying that the house in Clara is back on the market. WP's coworker cancelled his contract on the house in Clara this morning. I called the bank and set up an appointment for a preapproval mortgage amount and I will be leaving to meet the bank lady in one hour. I went and looked inside the house in Clara an hour ago. It's perfectly small for a nice family of 4. It has everything we need, but nothing more. The real estate agent said she's showing it to 2 more couples within the next 24 hours. I feel like I must make a bid on the house immediately or I'm going to lose it. If I lose that house I will lose my mind! I have gone by that house and looked through the windows (rather longingly) at least 6 times since I found it a month ago. Pathetic.
WP is supposed to be going to Laurel tonight for a 9th grade football game. I don't think it's required because he coaches JV and Varsity so maybe he can go look at the inside of the house this evening. Please keep us in your prayers. May the Lord's will be done. Seems too good to be true. I was devastated when I found out his coworker had signed a contract on this house a few weeks ago because I was in love with it.

Sunday, September 6, 2009


I love the conversations I have with Archer. This morning I made pancakes, bacon, and scrambled eggs. I had finished everything on my plate and this is the conversation that followed:
Archer: You ate all yours. Eat some more.
Me: I don't know if I want anymore.
Archer: Oh, your full.

simplicity is so much.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

copy cat!

So, I've been battling some sinus crap/sore throat for over a week now. I wanted to blog but don't want to think much. So I'm going to ING:

Reading: Hypnobirthing: The Mongon Method (why can't I figure out how to underline titles on here?). I have slacked off on reading it some. Will soon start Ina May's Guide to Natural Childbirth.
Drinking: lots of water and drinks like Sunkist and Peach Sunkist.
Listening: at the moment I'm listening to the theme song to "Franklin"...Hey, It's Franklin coming to my house...!
Feeling: sick and tired of this sinus/sore throat crud.
Watching: Man Vs. Food, Property Virgins, House Hunters, MadMen...and anxiously awaiting Grey's Anatomy's new season
Snacking: Peanut Butter M&M's (usually in conjunction with a bag of chips...shame)
Humming: Franklin theme song
Wearing: My trusty old shorts that fit with a ponytail holder over the button and old sun dresses.
Cooking: Cheese pizza for lunch
Paying: all my bills and for little upgrades here and there in the house. The nesting instinct has taken over.
Dreaming: Last week I dreamed that Britney Spears and I had a photo shoot with live snakes. I took the snakes home in a bag and they got out in my house.
Smelling: Nothing since my sinuses have clotted off.
Loving: The new sensations of Adalia letting me know she's there with those little kicks.
Anticipating: My 3rd weekend off in a row AND getting preapproved for a loan on a house.