Friday, July 31, 2009

Boy or girl?!?!

A friend at work did an ultrasound on me today. I was able to see the head, beating heart, spine, 2 legs and feets, an arm (it was hiding the other one), and a glimpse at what appeared to be little boy parts....and then a glimpse of what appeared to be little girl parts. HAHA! So it's either a boy or girl! SURPRISE!!!! I am no ultrasound technician and neither was the NURSE who was doing my ultrasound so it's still a surprise. It was great to see those skinny long legs stretching and kicking. That little baby did not want to be disturbed but it was awesome to watch it move and flip. Those little feet were my main attraction. I wish WP could've been there to see but he wasn't.
Ah.. the perks of working at the hospital!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

doctors, doctors, and maybe doulas!

Update on WP:
We finally got in to see a gastroenterologist yesterday. He is thinking that the surgeon who performed WP's EGD and colonoscopy overlooked an ulcer. WP had lab work yesterday which showed that he's still anemic but not enough so to need any iron tablets. He is going on 3 separate days in August to have further testing done. The 1st test he's going to have will be a Meckel's Scan which will detect whether or not he has a Meckel's Diverticulum which is something that is present at birth and can cause significant blood loss. This scan is an xray and noninvasive. The following week he will be having a repeat EGD, which is the scope of the upper GI system that will show from mouth to stomach. The week after that he will be having a repeat colonoscopy, which is the scope of the lower GI system that goes from rectum to top of large intestine. He will have to do that awful clear liquid diet and colon prep again for the last procedure. If all of this is inconclusive then he will do the capsule camera. That is a camera in the form of a pill that records the entire GI tract as it travels from mouth to rectum...sorry if this is too much info. Nurses never have too much info! Ha! The capsule camera will show the small intestine which is not able to be seen on the upper GI scope or the lower GI scope.

On a lighter note, WP is interviewing with the head football coach/athletic director of Wayne County High School tomorrow morning @ 9:00. Prayers requested! This would be an awesome place for him to start his coaching career. Coach Boyles is known nationally for his talent and WP would love nothing better than to learn from the best of the best. School starts next Thursday here so this will be very last minute. If he gets this job we can stay in our paid-for trailer and save money to buy a house when we're ready.

Update on my Dr appointment:
I went for my 15 week checkup today. I heard that precious heartbeat again. It clocked in at 150 beats a minute. The Dr said the baby is growing fantastically when he examined my belly. I have lost 2 more pounds but he was not concerned. My dehydrated is resolved, thank goodness. He thinks my headaches may be stemming from caffeine withdrawals, even though I gave the caffeine up before I had a positive pregnancy test. I think it's hormones! I go back in 6 weeks for an ultrasound. I am currently trying to contact the radiology program at Jones County Junior College for a free ultrasound performed by the radiology students. I know several people who have gone between 14 and 16 weeks of pregnancy and found out the baby's sex. I'm ready to know! I need to hit these back to school sales for baby clothes!

A friend of mine referred me to a doula she knows. A doula is kind of like a labor coach. People who use doulas have a much lower need for pain medication because the doula is there to help them use different approaches to the pain. I've emailed the lady but am unsure of whether I actually want to hire her or not. We'll see...

Off to work tomorrow and for the rest of the weekend. boo.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


I am hurting now. Boy I tell ya what! When my appetite came back, it came back with a fierce face. WP and I FINALLY were able to get our lunch and a movie date in today. We went to eat hot wings (a favorite) and saw The Ugly Truth with Katherine Heigl. I ate 9 hot wings, 3 or 4 pieces of celery, 2 southwestern eggrolls, a few fries, and about 1/2 of my drink. THENNNNNN we went to the movies and I just had to have popcorn and whoppers. I ate the popcorn and whoppers nonstop- I should add this: immediately after leaving Buffalo Wild Wings- for about 20 minutes. I didn't touch them the rest of the movie or ride home. It has now been about 3 hours since I have put ANYTHING in my mouth other than water and I am still miserably full. Where was this full feeling when I was eating all the popcorn and whoppers?
Oh the misery....

Sunday, July 26, 2009

looking back

A few short weeks from now will be the 6 year mark that Brittany and I moved into our dorm together at Jones. What a momentous moment. I didn't know at the time how my life was about to change. How I wish I would've laid back and soaked up those days rather than rushing them. The day I changed from a live at home 18 year old to a 18 year old college student who was 2 hours from home stands out so clearly in my mind.
Mom rode with me in my blue car and Mr. Rick drove the truck. We were loaded down with clothes, shoes, books, back packs, food, plastic bowls, a mini fridge, comforter sets, lamps, plastic storage bins, my laptop, and of course Pooh Bear. We rode through rain the whole way there and stopped in Laurel to eat at Church's chicken. We were lost. I am so unbelievably familiar with that area now. When I pass through those streets I think back on how unfamiliar the area was.
We walked through the double glass doors at the front of Smith Hall and received the key to my room. I searched quickly at the name of my roommate and suite mates. I had requested that my lifetime friend, Brittany White, be my roommate. I was so nervous that something was going to get mixed up and I was going to be stuck with someone who I didn't know and didn't like. There was her name right there next to mine. I sighed a big breath of relief and went on into the room. Brittany arrived shortly thereafter with Mrs. Pam and Mr. John. Mrs. Pam and Mr. John have watched me grow up from kindergarten to college.
Brittany and I unpacked all our stuff, excitedly. Our Moms laughed and joked while trying to hide the tears they wiped from knowing that their baby girls were not babies anymore...and not leaving with them that day.
After our parents left we arranged the rearranged our rooms. We met our suite mates in passing that day. Brittany and I took her car and rode around campus and around the tiny town of Ellisville. Life was changing all around us.
We met so many people that year. We grew as friends and as individuals. The memories from that short year will last a lifetime. Looking back though, I wonder why we were in such a rush to leave. Midnight curfew for college students stinks. Room checks to make sure you cleaned your room made college life seem more like boarding school. But it wasn't as bad as we wanted it to seem at the time. About 2 weeks before that school year ended I moved out of the dorm and into an apartment in Laurel. I quickly acquired bills and a need for a steady job and paycheck.
I look back often at this time in my life and am so thankful for the opportunity I had. I kept my best friend of a lifetime through trials and tribulations, I found my husband, and I found the grown-up version of me attempting to peep through the child in me. I can't help but occasionally close my eyes and dream of that time in my life and wish I could go back for just a day or two.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

tomorrow tomorrow, I love you, tomorrow!

I go into work at 6:30 in the morning and will be there until about 7:30 tomorrow night. Then I am beach bound with WP and Archer!!

Monday, July 20, 2009

a day away..

Today Wp, Archer, and I went to Hattiesburg and spent the entire day. We used to do that much more frequently. Quite frankly, I haven't left the house more than 4 times on my off days in the past 3 months. I have been so blasted tired that I couldn't bare to leave. My house is lacking in the clean department also. I usually vacuum, sweep, and do laundry everyday or every other day. Laundry has sat in baskets until noone had anything to wear. Dishes have sat in the sink (ick) until the sink was overflowing. And I have walked over dust, dirt, and crumbs for probably as much as a week at a time. That all sounds awfully disgusting. I'm hoping that has passed. We are leaving for the beach Thursday and I have to work all day Wednesday. So tomorrow is the day! I have to go from one end of the trailer to the other tomorrow.....or at least try. I imagine I'll get the kitchen, bathroom, and living room done. Laundry is included in that, also. My poor bedroom and Archer's bedroom get the shaft every time. Our little sleeping nests are so dusty that none of us ought to be able to breathe. I'm usually a really good housewife and I am looking forward to my nesting phase to kick it. I need to clean this filthy place ASAP!

Definitely looking forward to several days on the beach. Man, time away from Waynesboro seems like a slice of heaven! I'm really bummed that WP can't stay the whole time though. He's got to drive back to Hattiesburg either Friday night or early early Saturday morning. He's taking his teaching license exam in science Saturday morning. Archer and I will be gone from Thursday morning until Sunday. We're staying at my Aunt Susan's condo in Orange Beach so it'll be easy on my checking account ;o). Aunt Susan, Keith, Mamaw, Daddy, Stacy, Jake, Liz, WP, Archer, and myself will be there. I'm actually worried that it will be quite overwhelming, but am still looking forward to it.

I hope that I can control my hormonal rages when aggravated because I know it's coming. I'm a realist, what can I say!?

Gone to bed now... WP has already gone in there without me!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

canoe and camp, please.

I had a scrolling newsflash across my brain yesterday afternoon at some point. It read, "TAKE A CANOE TRIP IN TN WITH WP!!!" So I have been searching relentlessly for a place to take WP on a canoe and a little cabin for a few days for his graduation trip. He has never been to the Smokey Mountains and that's just a shame! It's beautiful there. Although, he's never been there he's under the impression that he doesn't enjoy the mountains. I have been there and know for a fact that he'd love it.

Any suggestions would be fabtabulous!


Friday, July 10, 2009

Home again, home again, jiggity jig!

Well after a very nerve-wrecking, tiresome week at the hospital we are back home. WP has been complaining of stomach pain for a month or so. Tuesday afternoon he began passing blood in his stool in copious amounts. I took him to the hospital. He lost about 3 pints of blood from Tuesday night until Wednesday night. The bleeding stopped spontaneously. He had an EGD Wednesday morning to see if he had a bleeding ulcer. It came back perfectly normal. Wednesday after his test he began doing a 2 day prep for a colonoscopy. He had his colonoscopy this morning and it came back normal as well. So at this point we know that he was bleeding so severely from somewhere in his GI tract that he lost 3 pints of blood but have no idea what the culprit is. The surgeon told us that he thinks it is probably a Meckel's Diverticulum or a liolypoma (?- or something similar). Meckel's diverticuli is present at birth but usually not found until adulthood. The other one is a small benign tumor that bleeds like crazy on occasion then stops spontaneously and is very rare. Both of those abnormalities would be located in the small bowel which cannot be seen on an EGD or colonoscopy. Our family Dr is supposed to be contacting a GI specialist in Laurel, MS on Monday and making us an appointment. I believe the next test they're wanting to run is one where WP has to swallow a small camera. The small camera will record what it sees in the entire GI system- mouth to rectum.
I am requesting prayers on his behalf. Anytime you are in a situation that leads to excessive blood loss there is a chance for it to be life threatening.

On a lighter note, Archer is precious as always. ;o) I kept hearing him holler, "A! A! A! A!" from his room. After he said it about 20 times I went to see what he was hollering "A" about. He was standing in the middle of his room pointing up to the wall where I have individual letters of his name cut out in wood, painted, and hanging on his wall. They have been there since he was born. I guess he is just now noticing them. When he was very young - 6 weeks or so- he would lie on his changing table after bath time and just giggle so hard looking at those letters.

I'm exhausted so I'm going to just go sit in my recliner and do nothing.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Haley from Mexico

For supper tonight I'm attempting burritos and mexican rice. Wish me luck!!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

poor pitiful me..

I. MISS. MY. FELLAS!! I want them to come home. I don't mean I want them to come home tomorrow night like they're planning. I mean I want them home NOW. I feel like Verucca on Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory when I say that.

I listened to the baby's fetal heart tones at work today. ;o) What a beautiful sound. I cannot wait until I can feel it move. That's such a great feeling. So far I have been feeling pretty good. Those 1st trimester symptoms are slowly waning. With Archer I was such a comfortable, happy pregnant woman once I hit that second trimester.

I am really beginning to worry and even maybe have some guilt, though. I spend A LOT of time with Archer. We read books all day long. At bed time I rock him and love on him either until he falls asleep or until I'm ready to go to bed. If I get ready to go to bed before he falls asleep then I take him to his bed and I sing a set of songs that I have been singing him since the day he was born. I sing You are my sunshine, twinkle twinkle little star, Amazing Grace, Seek Ye First, and the Butterbean song. I just can't stand the thought of him thinking that I don't have time for him anymore. I don't want him to be starving for attention. Will I have enough arms, lap space, and energy for a newborn and a very loving 2 year old? I know I will have enough love to go around, I don't question that at all. I am worried. I know these worries are going to turn into pure fear once my due date begins to rapidly approach.

I am also really hoping to have the chance of a completely natural delivery with this one. I wanted that so badly with Archer but my high blood pressure didn't allow it. My Dr has informed me that since I had a reaction from the epidural with Archer that I will not be able to receive one with this one. I never wanted an epidural with Archer to begin with. Once the Magnesium AND Pitocin infusions began I was out of sorts. I basically lost control at about 6 cm and begged for something for the pain. I really would love to experience a birth with NO drugs. We'll see how all that goes. Hopefully I'm still about 28-29 weeks away from that!

Back to work at 6:30 AM then when I get off my fellas will be here to greet me. YESSSS!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Where, Oh Where, Could Sarah Palin Go?

So I open my Yahoo account to check my emails and on the worldy news there is an article titled, "Sarah Palin resigns". What? Seriously? I can't imagine how hard it must be to run a state and have 4 (or 5) kids, not to mention a 14 month old! I can't help but wonder where she's going to go and what she's going to do. I guess her not being voted in as Vice President was a blessing in disguise. Maybe it is all a little too much for her at this time. I bet this has been plaguing her for a while. I could be wrong, and I probably am wrong. But for all of you who didn't know... Sarah Palin has resigned her position as Governor of Alaska.

WP and Archer left today for their 4th of July weekend away from home. WP is on the reservoir in Jackson with some friends and Archer is at Momma's. I called Momma when I left work to check in on my little precious one. My Mother's brainwashing him has begun! ;o) Here's what was said:
Meme: What does the cow say?
Archer: Mooooooooooooo
Meme: What does the dog say?
Archer: arf arf arf
Meme: What does Meme say?
Archer: I love you, Archer!
Dern, why didn't I think of that?

The house is quiet tonight. Wait a minute, actually the house is not quiet at all. I'm washing clothes and my washer is off balance so at this very moment my washer is probably walking down my hallway. From the sounds of it, it is MARCHING down the hallway with an entire army! But other than the washer, fan, and air conditioner the house is quiet. I miss my fellas. I hope they have a good time, though.

Off to sit on the washer- or unplug it.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

from friend to foe...

A very dear friend of my belly's has become my new archnemesis as of about one hour ago. I was very hungry and I longed for a chili dog, as I have many days before. I swung into a fast food chain on my 1 hour drive back home from the Dr's office. I ate half of the chili dog and immediately began to curse my long long friend. I quickly chewed 2 piece of chalk--oops, what I meant to say was--I quickly chewed 2 Rolaids for immediate relief of this impending indigestion that haunts my dreams every night. Still hungry, I ate the other half of the chili dog. I am now suffering from serious indigestion which also leads to nausea and bloating. My day was lovely and dandy until the chili dog showed it's ugly ugly face. Friends? NO! Enemies? DEFINITELY!

On a lighter note, I had my appointment this morning. It was a very quick visit. I am 11 weeks pregnant today. I heard that precious heartbeat with a heart rate of about 160. The only downside I had was that I am dehydrated. I had a feeling of that already, though. I told WP sometime in the past week that I felt dehydrated. My Dr recommended I carry a very large, insulated, ice water filled jug with me at all times. That I will do- Dr's orders afterall!

Archer is at daycare and WP is on his way home from Meridian. As soon as he steps foot through the door I have a nice honeydo list for him. He's leaving town all weekend. Archer will be at my Momma's all weekend. And I will be at Wayne General working ;o( bah-humbug! So house must be cleaned today!


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

second time around..

Yes I know that I have written on here once today but I'm off work and just feel like yapping. I went to my in-law's house this evening for the first time since we celebrated Christmas with them. Cannot believe it has been that long. We had a nice, delicious, very fatty dinner that consisted of twice fried bbq chicken, some delicious boiled potatoes that had an entire stick of butter cooked in, and a couple pieces of cornbread (one for me, one for my little bun-HA), all swished down with a big gulpin' glass of sweet tea. I rarely eat so poorly but man I enjoyed every second of it tonight.. that is until my food wouldn't digest properly and the entire ride home I felt like I had eaten a big 10 lb. boulder. Haha, I guess if you become a glutten you will get punished!

Anyhoo, reason for the little trip out to the in-law's was because of my FIL. My FIL is in his mid-60's (or so) and has several health problems but gets around just fine and still works the same blue collar job. In May he was in a 4-wheeler wreck and had some damage to his neck. He was sent to Jxn, MS where he received therapy. My MIL informed me tonight that he is not doing well and need to have neck surgery. There is an issue somewhere between the neurosurgeon and cardiologist about whether he can actually undergo the surgery or not. The fella is in severe pain at all times. My MIL said that if they decide he cannot undergo the surgery then he will be referred to a pain management specialist.. which means large large large amounts of strong narcotics (usually). My FIL has made the comment that he does not expect to live to see this upcoming Christmas. I do not know any details of his condition or why he feels this way. He had planned on buying Archer a John Deere tractor for Christmas but since he doesn't think he'll be living he bought it for him yesterday and gave it to him today.

Somber, huh?

Keep him your prayers please. His name is Harold. The whole environment was sad today just because I knew why Archer was getting the gifts. This is a very independant man who asked WP to ride to Meridian with him tomorrow just because. That proves to me that something is just not right. He is not the type of man to tell his business, though, so I am feeling that there are some underlying/unsaid issues at hand.

My date with my hubby for tomorrow has been cancelled due to him going with Harold to run some errands tomorrow. I will be driving to Hattiesburg alone (or with Archer) for my Dr's appointment. WP went to every appointment I had when pregnant with Archer except my first and my last. I hate he's going to miss out tomorrow but he's needed elsewhere. ;o(

So long............

goooood moooorrrnnniiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng!

Poor Archer. He has been in time out twice and had once long crying fit...all before 10 AM. This past weekend was spent at my Dad's house in Vicksburg. For all who do not know, I have a little brother who is almost 10. He is an only child and acts just like the stereotypical only child. He aggravates and tests. He was saying, "NAH" and "NO" to Archer all weekend trying to play with/aggravate him. Archer came back home telling his Daddy and I "no". That mess doesn't fly around this household! It is taking some serious straightening out on our parts and driving me crazy in the meantime. It doesn't seem to bother me as badly as it bothers WP. WP is that "rules with the iron fist" type of parent. That "my way or no way" parent. I want a well-behaved, disciplined child also. But I also want to be laid back and let him be a kid. If he's not hurting anything then let him use his imagination.

Speaking of imagintion...That child should be on "kids say the darndest things"! He is a silly billy boy! Yesterday when I got home from work I told him to give me sugar on my cheek. He did. Then he turned my face and said, "Sugar other cheek, Mommy!" Then he proceeded to kiss my other cheek. And this went on for about 5 kisses. He'll disappear into his room to play then emerge with one rubber boot on, a basketball net on his head as a "hat", and his daddy's belt wrapped around his waist. He will play in that attire until it all falls off. At this very moment WP is napping on the couch. I looked into the living room and here is what I see: Archer lying on the floor on his pillow, covered by his blanket. His hands are over his head just like his Daddy is laying on the couch. Underneath his little hand I see a large smile as he is pretending to be like his Daddy. Precious moments like this make my life wonderful.

I don't know how much 2 year olds are supposed to actually talk but I can't help but think that mine talks more than most his age. He has a full vocabulary and speaks in sentences. The little mockingbird doesn't miss a thing, either. I have been able to hold conversations with him for several months.

Anyway, can't wait to see how he's going to be with his new sibling! (Can't wait to see how I'm gonna be with a 2 year old and a newborn) Very exciting!!!!

Archer says he's gotta poopoo.. BYE!